Stages of Culture Shock Living in Another Country

While teaching at a couple couple private schools in Vietnam, one class requires me to prepare students for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The first chapter talked about the five stages of culture shock and I thought this would be a great post to share with everyone. I’ve definitely gone through these stages and I thought others could relate.

A – Differences and similarities are accepted. You may feel relaxed and confident and you become more familiar with situations and feel well able to cope with new situations based on your growing experience.

B – When you first arrive in a new culture, differences are intriguing and you may feel excited, stimulated and curious. At this stage you are still protected by the close memory of your home culture.

C – Differences and similarities are valued and important. You may feel full of potential and able to trust yourself in all kinds of situations. Most situations become enjoyable and you are able to make choices according to your preferences and values.

D – A little later, differences create an impact and you may feel confused, isolated or inadequate as you start to notice more and more cultural differences and family and friends are not immediately available for support.

E – Next you may reject the differences you encounter. You may feel angry or frustrated, or hostile to the new culture. At this stage you may be conscious mainly of how much you dislike it compared to home. Don’t worry as this is quite a healthy reaction. You are reconnecting with what you value about yourself and your own culture.

(via IELTS Foundation)

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One Response to “Stages of Culture Shock Living in Another Country”

  1. [...] that have been a great support system. They have all experienced what I’m going through, such as culture shock, and have been offering ways to deal with [...]

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