2011 proved to be an interesting year indeed. Contrary to my blog name, I actually didn’t get to travel much this year. I want to say that 2011 was more about figuring out what would make me the happiest and taking steps to make that happen. One way was to not feel the burden of not being [...]
Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: T.E.A.L. Walk in Brooklyn

September marks Ovarian Cancer Research Month and in order to commemorate a cause that is now near-and-dear to my heart, I participated in the third annual T.E.A.L. Walk in Brooklyn. The weather could not have been better and the community of women that came together was inspirational. My friend who is now one-month cancer free broke down [...]

25 Accomplishments in 25 Years

To commemorate my 25th birthday, I thought it might be fitting to list out 25 life accomplishments thus far. Some are unique to me while others can be said for everyone. Feel inspired and enjoy!

Video: Every Child Matters Contest Entry

Here’s a video I submitted for a contest through Every Child Matters, a nonpartisan child advocacy organization based in Washington, DC. that makes the needs of children and families a national political priority. I’m excited to announce that my video was one of the second place finalist. Even though I draw like a five-year old and [...]