With only a week of vacation to enjoy away from work, I decided to spend half the time visiting one of my best friends in Texas. It was the first vacation I’ve had in over a year, so every day was a mix of over eating, drinking, relaxing, and tourist activities. The four destinations we [...]
Archive for the ‘Featured Posts’ Category

Four Short Days in Texas: Day Trips to Austin, San Antonio, Fort Hood, and Salado

Visiting Israel on Taglit- Birthright: 10 amazing days in the holy land

Israel to this day is still one of the best countries I’ve had the honor of visiting. Going to Israel was extremely memorable for a couple reasons: it was the first time I embraced my Jewish roots and it marked the first time I’ve ever left the country (not including Canada – but no one [...]

Chicago: Popular Attractions and My Favorite Tourist Traps

My love affair with Chicago began the moment I first arrived. The city impressed me with some of the best restaurants, cleanest streets and nicest people I have ever met (not to mention the hottest guys). For some of these reasons (especially the latter), Chicago is one of my favorite cities in the world and [...]

Ancient Ruins of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom in Cambodia

Known as one of the most significant archaeological sites in Southeast Asia, it’s no wonder that Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom proved to be my favorite destination in Cambodia. It was easy to see that the ruins had a rich history and you’re able to gain a sense of peace while walking through the different temples. What [...]

What a random day in NYC can look like

If there’s one thing I love about New York City, it’s that there’s always something to do at any given moment. It’s the perfect playground to be spontaneous, wonder around and see what the day will bring. Here’s what a random day for me looked like recently when a friend came to visit from out [...]

Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Visiting the Elephant Nature Park, a rescue and rehabilitation center in northern Thailand, was one of the most memorable experiences during my backpacking adventure. I had seen the park on a National Geographic TV show a few years back and as soon as I saw their travel office in Chiang Mai, I knew it was [...]

Mini Vacation to Stowe, Vermont

Until recently, I found it hard to believe that I managed to take a 21-hour flight to Vietnam and have yet never managed at least a five-hour drive north of NYC (that didn’t include New York). So for my first trip of 2011, three of my closest girlfriends and I headed up to Stowe, Vermont [...]

Bali – My Favorite Destination in Southeast Asia

If there was one destination in all of Southeast Asia that I could revisit, hands down, it would be Bali. Even though the island is small, there are so many different types of landscapes and activities so there’s something for everyone. Once I got off the plane, picked up my luggage and went outside, I [...]

Climbing Mt. Kota Kinabalu (Part 1): Pushing My Body to the Limits

Climbing up Mount Kota Kinabalu, a 13,435-foot (8.9 kilometer) high mountain on the Borneo side of Malaysia, was without a doubt the hardest activity I’ve ever put my body through, and it goes down as one of the most memorable accomplishments in my life. The brochure said that people of all ages participate in climbing [...]

The Beaches of Ko Phi Phi Don, Thailand

After four days in Bangkok, it was time to head south to Krabi and continue my solo adventure. As expected, the driver was reckless and fast, just like every other driver I’ve encountered on my trip. Luckily it wasn’t my time and I managed to live another day. I’m glad I survived because Krabi was pretty [...]