On next week’s Top Chef, they’re leaving D.C. and hitting up Singapore, one of my favorite countries! I was completely obsessed with the architecture, the cleanliness, and their top notch bus and train system. I wanted to share one of my favorite photos from the area: a picture of me with the popular Merlion statue. I’m [...]
Archive for the ‘Singapore’ Category

Video: My Life in Vietnam

For the last six months, I traveled throughout Southeast Asia and lived in Vietnam. In six minutes, you’ll get to see how my life as an ex-pat was and hopefully feel inspired to do something similar. Everything from my students to new friends, to learning about a new culture and trying new food, Vietnam has had [...]

Mini Vacation to Singapore and Sentosa Beach

My complete obsession and love affair with Singapore began the moment I got off the plane. Although living in Vietnam for three months at this point was great, going to a city that most reminded me of my home New York City was even better. Singapore was the cleanest, most organized and developed city I’ve [...]

Architecture in Singapore

I’ve decided to create a post that displays the amazing architecture I saw while in Singapore. The country is absolutely beautiful and I recommend everyone going at some point in their life. (UOB Plaza Building)