What goes up, must come down, and as is the same case for hiking. Everybody has this preconceived notion that going down is always better than going up. Those people have obviously never tried climbing down Mt. Kota Kinabalu. My legs were in absolute pain since I worked a whole different set of leg muscles, muscles that [...]
Archive for the ‘Malaysia’ Category

Video: Above the Clouds on Mt Kota Kinabalu

After hiking up six kilometers on Mount Kota Kinabalu, we finally reached our cabins, which were situated right above big fluffy clouds. The air was slightly thin and made a few people light headed.

Video: Top of Mount Kota Kinabalu

Getting to the top of Mt. Kota Kinabalu, a 13,435 foot (8.9 kilometer) high mounain on the Bornoe side of Malaysia, was certainly no easy feat, but once I finally got to the top, I realized the pain was well worth it. I got there just as the sun was rising, exposing the breathtaking surroundings [...]

Climbing Mt. Kota Kinabalu (Part 1): Pushing My Body to the Limits

Climbing up Mount Kota Kinabalu, a 13,435-foot (8.9 kilometer) high mountain on the Borneo side of Malaysia, was without a doubt the hardest activity I’ve ever put my body through, and it goes down as one of the most memorable accomplishments in my life. The brochure said that people of all ages participate in climbing [...]

My Trip to Penang, Malaysia

If there was ever a time I felt like I was going to die, it was definitely when I took a van from Krabi, Thailand to Penang, Malaysia. I know I said I thought I was going to die in the past, but this time I’m serious. It was so bad I actually wanted to fly [...]

Beautiful Cloud Images from Malaysia

This might be a strange blog post, but I want to share images of the clouds I came to see while in Malaysia. They were always so big and fluffy looking (that’s what she said?). Call me crazy, but aren’t these amazing?

Video: My Life in Vietnam

For the last six months, I traveled throughout Southeast Asia and lived in Vietnam. In six minutes, you’ll get to see how my life as an ex-pat was and hopefully feel inspired to do something similar. Everything from my students to new friends, to learning about a new culture and trying new food, Vietnam has had [...]

Architecture, Food and Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Ever since I saw the movie Entrapment where Katherine Zeta Jones dangles between the Petronas Twin Towers, I’ve always wanted to visit Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It’s the only thing I wanted to see in the city during our visit, but we ended up seeing and doing other incredible tourist attractions. One of my other [...]

Video: Buddhist Pagoda in Malacca, Malaysia

While at a Buddhist pagoda in Malacca, Malaysia, we were just in time to see how they conducted a service. Everyone walks around in a circle and chants.

Vibrant and Historical Town of Malacca, Malaysia

Visiting the vibrant and historical city of Malacca, located in West Malaysia, was an amazing treat. It’s only a few-hour bus ride from both Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The city is not necessarily a small one, as we had to use transportation at times, but great to walk by foot if you’re up for it. [...]