For the last six months, I traveled throughout Southeast Asia and lived in Vietnam. In six minutes, you’ll get to see how my life as an ex-pat was and hopefully feel inspired to do something similar. Everything from my students to new friends, to learning about a new culture and trying new food, Vietnam has had [...]
Archive for the ‘Laos’ Category

Visiting the Peaceful Town of Luang Prabang, Laos

In order to get to Luang Prabang from Vientiane, my friend and I had to take a 10-bus ride through the mountains, most of which consisted of bumpy roads and nail-biting bends. I tend to get bad cases of motion sickness easily and rides like this are not good for those with weak stomachs. Fortunately [...]

Vientiane in Laos: The Beginning of My Backpacking Adventure

After a crazy trip getting into Laos, we finally arrive to the first stop on our backpacking adventure – Vientiane, the capital city of Laos situated in the Mekong Valley. Since we spent the last two days on a bus, my friend and I decided to get straight into touring the city to stretch our [...]

Getting to Laos from Vietnam was no easy feat

During my backpacking adventure through Southeast Asia, I kept a log of simple, short notes that I could look back on so I could write blog entries to show everyone. Looking back on how my friend and I got to Laos, I’m going to do a copy/paste job of my notes because I think it’s [...]

Children Workers in Southeast Asia

I remember when I got my first job at the tender age of 16, I worked hard and put all the money away in my savings account. During my stay here in Southeast Asia, I’ve come across little children working as salespeople. At first glance, I thought it was somewhat cute to see little children [...]