If there was one destination in all of Southeast Asia that I could revisit, hands down, it would be Bali. Even though the island is small, there are so many different types of landscapes and activities so there’s something for everyone. Once I got off the plane, picked up my luggage and went outside, I [...]
Archive for the ‘Indonesia’ Category

Video: Traditional Balinese Dancing

As part of religious expression among Balinese people, they perform these very ancient traditional dances. Take note as her eyes open really wide and she shakes her shoulders every few dance steps.

My Adventures in Jakarta, Indonesia

One of the last destinations on my five week backpacking adventure was Jakarta, the capital and largest city in Indonesia. Before I arrived, I learned that Jakarta was dubbed ‘The Big Durian,’ which for those who are familiar with this type of fruit, know that it smells like swamp ass; however, to many people, it [...]

Video: Monkeying Around

This cute monkey was trying to crack open a rock thinking there was food inside. This video was taken at the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud – Bali, Indonesia.

Photo of the Week: Balinese Dancer

In honor of the movie Eat Pray Love coming out in theaters, I’ve decided to post one of my favorite images from when I was in Bali. This image was taken from Ubud, which was where the author Elizabeth Gilbert lived in the book. These type of dancers perform traditional Balinese dancing, which you’ll see videos of [...]

Video: My Life in Vietnam

For the last six months, I traveled throughout Southeast Asia and lived in Vietnam. In six minutes, you’ll get to see how my life as an ex-pat was and hopefully feel inspired to do something similar. Everything from my students to new friends, to learning about a new culture and trying new food, Vietnam has had [...]