Known as one of the most significant archaeological sites in Southeast Asia, it’s no wonder that Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom proved to be my favorite destination in Cambodia. It was easy to see that the ruins had a rich history and you’re able to gain a sense of peace while walking through the different temples. What [...]
Archive for the ‘Southeast Asia’ Category

Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Visiting the Elephant Nature Park, a rescue and rehabilitation center in northern Thailand, was one of the most memorable experiences during my backpacking adventure. I had seen the park on a National Geographic TV show a few years back and as soon as I saw their travel office in Chiang Mai, I knew it was [...]

Bali – My Favorite Destination in Southeast Asia

If there was one destination in all of Southeast Asia that I could revisit, hands down, it would be Bali. Even though the island is small, there are so many different types of landscapes and activities so there’s something for everyone. Once I got off the plane, picked up my luggage and went outside, I [...]

Video: Traditional Balinese Dancing

As part of religious expression among Balinese people, they perform these very ancient traditional dances. Take note as her eyes open really wide and she shakes her shoulders every few dance steps.

My Adventures in Jakarta, Indonesia

One of the last destinations on my five week backpacking adventure was Jakarta, the capital and largest city in Indonesia. Before I arrived, I learned that Jakarta was dubbed ‘The Big Durian,’ which for those who are familiar with this type of fruit, know that it smells like swamp ass; however, to many people, it [...]

Video: Monkeying Around

This cute monkey was trying to crack open a rock thinking there was food inside. This video was taken at the Sacred Monkey Forest in Ubud – Bali, Indonesia.

Photo of the Week: Singapore

On next week’s Top Chef, they’re leaving D.C. and hitting up Singapore, one of my favorite countries! I was completely obsessed with the architecture, the cleanliness, and their top notch bus and train system. I wanted to share one of my favorite photos from the area: a picture of me with the popular Merlion statue. I’m [...]

Climbing Mt. Kota Kinabalu (Part 2): Pushing My Body to the Limits

What goes up, must come down, and as is the same case for hiking. Everybody has this preconceived notion that going down is always better than going up. Those people have obviously never tried climbing down Mt. Kota Kinabalu. My legs were in absolute pain since I worked a whole different set of leg muscles, muscles that [...]

Video: Above the Clouds on Mt Kota Kinabalu

After hiking up six kilometers on Mount Kota Kinabalu, we finally reached our cabins, which were situated right above big fluffy clouds. The air was slightly thin and made a few people light headed.

Photo of the Week: Elephant Kisses

This photo makes me smile every time. While at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I got a sloppy (yet very sweet) kiss from a baby elephant. How adorable is this?